If you are looking for a sweet treat to make your honey for Valentines day you should try one of my Husband's favorites Cherry pie, or as he calls it Sheri pie. It is super easy to make and only takes a short time plus you can personalize it how ever you want.
First get all your tools and ingredients

The tools you will need a pie pan, mixing bowl, fork, spoon, knife, measuring cups, and a rolling pin.
for the crust you will need:
2c Flour
1c Shortening
1tsp salt
1/2 c warm water
use the fork to cut the shortening in with the flour until it looks crummy like the picture above in the center. Then add 1/2 cup of warm.

Don't be afraid to use your hands! Kneed the dough until it is one firm ball of dough. put flour on your hands to keep the dough from sticking and try not to handle the dough too much or it will make a tough crust. Then separate the Dough in to two equal balls.

Flour your surface and your rolling pin so the dough doesn't stick. Then roll out the dough until it is big enough to fill you pie pan.

Place the flattened dough in the pie pan and pat it down so it fits in snugly. then take your fork and poke holes in the crust so that air bubbles can escape while it is being cook.

Now open you Cherry pie filling and add a little Cinnamon and some almond extract to taste and stir it around.

Roll out the second ball of dough using the same method as before. then fold it in to 4
ths. be sure not to rip the dough. then place it on top of the pie filling and gently unfold it and remove any excess dough and move it to the side. and score the edges of the dough together.so that it is sealed.

With the
excess dough you can get creative. I
rolled out the extra dough and cut little hearts out with a kitchen knife. you can also sprinkle
Cinnamon on the top of your pie to add a little extra spice. When you are
don't customizing your pie put it in that preheated oven for 30 min.